Transforming the Future: A Circular Economy Exhibition

Designers Daisuke Nagatomo and Minnie Jan Create a Sustainable Future

Inspired by the concept of circularity, designers Daisuke Nagatomo and Minnie Jan have created an exhibition that embodies the principles of a no-waste economy and innovative solutions. This exhibition design, titled "We Transforming," is a journey of perpetual transformation, moving from a linear economy past, through a transforming present, to a sustainable future defined by visitors.

The design of the exhibition is unique in its approach to sustainability. The main structure is composed by the Infinity Shelf system, which makes this exhibition design nearly 90 percent recyclable. All the display material and fabrics are designed to have a second life after the exhibition, further emphasizing the concept of a circular economy.

The exhibition is divided into seven theme zones: Food, Product life cycle, New business model, Fabric, Architecture, Infrastructure, and Sustainable Lifestyle. Visitors begin their journey in a dark space lit by LED lights, moving on to a blue wall space with a white wavy ceiling area, before delving into the main content of the exhibition.

The project started in May 2022 in Taipei, Taiwan, and finished in September in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. The team faced the challenge of designing and building a temporary exhibition that would not produce a large amount of waste after its conclusion. The material and construction methods were chosen carefully to ensure they could be reused after the end of the exhibition.

The exhibition design challenges the circular design by reducing waste, utilizing recycled materials, and creating social impact by educating the general public about sustainable lifestyles. As the designers note, "A sustainable future is not a hypothesis, but a choice, which is jointly participated by everyone. In this journey, human beings are both producers and consumers. Therefore, the definition of the sustainable lifestyle is up to society."

This innovative design was recognized with the Silver A' Interior Space, Retail and Exhibition Design Award in 2023. The award is given to designs that demonstrate outstanding expertise and innovation, and that introduce positive feelings, amazement, and wonder. The "We Transforming" exhibition is a testament to the power of design to shape a sustainable future.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Daisuke Nagatomo and Minnie Jan
Image Credits: Daisuke Nagatomo and Minnie Jan
Project Team Members: Curatorial Group: REnato lab | Aining Ouyang MisoSoupDesign | Minnie Jan MisoSoupDesign | Daisuke Nagatomo Design Team: Sugar Hu, Jenny Yeh, Lily Lee
Project Name: We Transforming
Project Client: Daisuke Nagatomo and Minnie Jan

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